Ava's Demon

Ava’s Demon by Michelle Czajkowski is a webcomic that began in 2012. It’s a sci-fi fantasy about kids and demons and has a very nice painting style and animations. It’s very had to explain so here’s an explanation by the author herself from an interview done with ComicsAlliance- “ The one sentence description I always give is that it’s about a girl possessed by the ghost of an alien queen. It’s kinda out there! Very sci-fi/fantasy.”

I have been following it for years, and was one of my art inspirations while in high school. Michelle has said that one of her main goals with the comic is to make it read as color keys or storyboards for a movie, and I think it’s such an interesting and effective way to chose to plan your art. Not only are you thinking about your story, but you’re thinking about how things should be laid out. Since Ava’s Demon is done with single panel square images, it’s important to have your layouts be able to substitute paneling. Another reason I love the freedom Ava’s Demon has is that it will occasionally have animations that perfectly match the painterly style, which is very entertaining to watch. From what I remember, Ava’s Demon has been a story Michelle had written and had for a very long time, and she is completely finished with the script. Something I’ve noticed from reading my share of webcomics is that people tend to write as they go and don’t have an ending planned. While it’s fine to only have a loose idea since scripts can evolve, it’s interesting to see Michelle so confident and happy with how her story is to believe that it’s complete. I honestly hope to have the confidence to do that with my own stories and characters, should I choose to pursue making a webcomic.

Moribund Malediction from Ava's Demon on Vimeo.

 It remains one of my main artistic inspirations today and it’s amazing seeing the improvement from an art style that you’ve loved since you were a freshman in high school. Aside from the lovely visuals, interesting characters, and narrative, another thing I love about Ava’s Demon is how it was made purely out of things Michelle liked. You see hints of her favorite themes mashed up together, and it makes the comic very personal. Ava’s Demon was one of my earliest exposures to webcomics and how they worked, and it was amazing to discover all of the content out there done by one or a few people who have the desire to share their own art and stories with the world.


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