Not Drunk Enough
Not Drunk Enough is by Tess Stone, a transgender writer and artist. He was known a long time ago for Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name, which is a webcomic that I had heard of years ago but had never gotten the chance to read. I have seen art of it, and I desperately wished that I could read it. With my recent discovery of Not Drunk Enough, it’s amazing to still see small traces of Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name in it. The art, paneling, and even the speech bubbles are amazing and some of the best I’ve ever see. Tess manages to make even the written words art and that’s something visually stunning. Along with Ava’s Demon, it’s one of my favorite webcomics and artistic inspirations.
Not Drunk Enough, by it’s official description, is “A quick repair at a huge corporate lab during a late night shift should not have sent Logan into a hellish landscape fraught with monsters, but it looks like Lady Luck decided to give him the middle finger. Logan would like to give one back.” It’s a horror/supernatural comic, and it’s always a genre that I’ve enjoyed more through consumption of comics or literature. I’m a person who is very much obsessed with cryptids, the supernatural, and more, but… I’m also very easily terrified. Movies and horror games are not kind to me, and I like consuming horror/supernatural content and be actually scared through the use of visuals and good writing/story-telling, not because of a cheap jump scare.
Another thing I love about webcomics and how diverse their creators are, is that many of them are POC and/or LGBT+. It’s nice to see a place in the art industry where we have a large presence and feel welcome for it. Webcomics have many POC and/or LGBT+ characters and it’s so refreshing to see. These were things rarely seen from comics done in places like Marvel and DC until recent years. Webcomics also tend to come from artists who do a lot of social media and are able to directly interact with their audiences, and I think it’s a very welcoming environment for the most part. It’s nice to get to see the persona behind the content that you love and see parts of them grow up that they decide to share.
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